I would say that I’ve been really busy and that’s why I neglected to update over the weekend, but… that would only be half true, I guess.
I did photograph the progress on my Iðunn sweater on Saturday and there’s been a lot of progress.
I got this far and then thought, “That’s a pretty ridiculous shape for a grown woman’s sweater.” Because it is. It’s as though the shaping that I did is non-existent. And I don’t quite get how that happened. I washed the sweater and it’s been drying for a couple of days, so I tried it on again this evening to see if stretching out the body (in an attempt to make it longer and less wide) helps.
This is another sweater for which I was too excited to swatch. This worked out just fine with my Roam Tunic, but I’m thinking at the very least, I may need to rip back the body and re-knit it without increasing. What do you think? (Absolutely terrible photo, taken with my phone late yesterday evening.)
It’s a little more flattering now, though I’m not in love with the way it flares out. But seeing it on me again, I’m not sure I care enough to rip back and remove the increases. Dilemma!
I also finished my Lilac Wine cowl! I have posted some silly photos to Instagram, and I will take real photos this weekend, but for now…
So that’s that. This year is off to a rough start and I find that I’m having trouble feeling motivated about most things. Hopefully getting a few finished knits under my belt will help changes that!